Predictions with 95% reliability
Do you know what your next harvest will be like?
Plan the harvest to get the best quality and reduce your costs with the support of artificial intelligence.
We validate that the models work and ensure reliability.
Free, no obligation and 2-month money-back guarantee

Harvest prediction model validated in 32,606 fields
Volume prediction that drives your sales
Know precisely the harvest volume to better plan the sale.
You will be able to know when to send the production and get the best possible price without crashing the market.
Plan your production and marketing
Get the best selling price
Adjust your staffing and reduce costs
Save by buying the right materials and at the best price
Control Point
15-day ripening prediction
Lose the fear of the “what if”.
Know in advance the perfect ripening date for your harvest. Degree, pH and Acidity.
Know the best harvest time
Avoid losses and cost overruns
Reduce uncertainty
Reduce personnel costs, production, time and stress of the technical team
Save costs for travel and personnel in maturation controls while improving the quality of your production
Decisions based on reliable and profitable data
When did I last come to this plot? Be confident of the applications that all your producers have made and that they have used the right products.
Check a specific moment by selecting a date in the history.
Control Point
How does it work
We ensure the reliability of the model in your predictions
We recover agrodata
We use historical in any format and we add 447 new factors of stations and satellites
We validate the model
We apply artificial intelligence to show you the reliability of the prediction model
We implement
We give you access to the platform so you can view data and create users
Success stories
Discover customer stories that grow with RawData
Covides already knows what its harvest will be like: 8M bottles of wine in 2022
Covides in figures
1st grade wine cooperative of Catalonia
ha of vineyard
2O M
kg in 2021
Covides, a leading wine cooperative, manages the harvest of more than 20M kg and more than 600 producers thanks to precise volume and maturation predictions, tools such as satellite images and intelligent planning
Obtaining more accurate x3 ripening predictions
When we put together vines with different quality characteristics, it happens that the singularities and quality of the wine will not correspond to what was planned.
Obviously this is not at all desirable.
Therefore, if we carry out better quality control, a higher quality wine will be obtained with exactly the same production.
The challenge is that using traditional harvest prediction methods leads to large margins of error, easily from 10% to 25%.
It’s too much.
In addition, the wine market is becoming increasingly sophisticated, and this represents a major difficulty in remaining competitive.
It is no longer enough to predict a factor, now the important thing is to achieve the desired balance of different parameters (acidity, pH, etc.) to sell a product that is more appreciated by the public.
This is why Covides decided to join RawData to create a prediction model based on artificial intelligence.
The result?
In the last two campaigns, the margin of error in ripening has been between 5-7% 15 days ahead, i.e. the accuracy of the ripening forecast has practically tripled.
Improving communication with producers
To produce 8 million bottles of wine and cava a year, significant coordination is required, and the key is harvest planning.
From Covides they comment that their partners have land spread over very different areas.
There are many factors of variability, and it is very difficult to follow the evolution of all the plots.
It is necessary to use tools that allow individualized or even intra-parcel monitoring.
They manage different areas of crops and a large area, so foresight before the use of new tools was a very complicated issue.
And the variability went down more when trying to predict a single variety.
Now the cooperative has found a support with which the confidence of its planning is reinforced in the face of its members, and it even has reliable data for a longer time.
As if that were not enough, with RawData it is possible to see a report of the vineyard input updated in real time by being able to connect with ERP or other programs.
When reducing ripening controls pays off
At Covides they are clear that the role of the technicians, both with their visits to the field and with regard to their management, will continue to be necessary.
At the same time, they highlight that the use of new tools allows for more selective decision-making.
This translates into faster and more timely threats and saves time to make more strategic decisions.
One of the technologies that Covides uses for this purpose is satellite imagery to obtain images of vigor.
They allow them to provide fertilization information to their members, detect which areas are suffering the most stress and to carry out more representative ripening controls of each of the plots.
What is the role of agrotechnology in Covides
The cooperative has seen the enormous return on investment of the agricultural software, along with an ease of implementation that exceeds expectations.
Reasons that justify having already started with RawData the implementation of maturation and volume prediction models.
Another great window of opportunity is to continue improving connectivity to the partner, which is precisely one of the focuses of development of our software at the moment.
Hyper-personalizing alerts, sharing daily updated reports or automating part of agricultural management are going to be one of the new superpowers of technicians.
Finally, another aspect where they see a lot of potential is in RawData’s ability to integrate different tools into one with predictions, satellite images, weather alerts, etc.
The time savings and discoveries that can be achieved ignite a lot of interest.
Josep Maria Galimany
Director of viticulture
“RawData predictions help us organize our harvest and hit the bullseye at harvest.”
“The tool allows us to ensure that the 20 million kg enter in an orderly manner and as we want. I have to give information to the partners, and now the management becomes easier.”
“Satellite images give us more clues and save unnecessary trips to fields.”
“RawData can be of interest to anyone who is minimally interested in its exploitation. It is a tool that we all need, be it for one thing or another. I wouldn’t rule anyone out.”